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Rights or Murder???

Cindy Dullum

Updated: Jun 11, 2024

When I learned that Minnesota passed a law giving “reproductive rights” to allow full term abortion, my heart broke.

I thought of my newborn grandchild; perfect in every way. Ten tiny fingers. Ten tiny toes. A button nose. He was so alert only minutes after entering this world. Truly a gift from heaven!

You can try to hide the evil behind words like reproductive and rights. Maybe it removes the sting of murder. Makes one forget that this bill is about life. Make no mistake, abortion is sucking a baby from the mothers' womb. Or at 9 months, in Minnesota, it would be allowing a baby to die on the table after birth. Tragic.

How could this bill have passed into law in my home state? Why wouldn’t we, the people have taken a stand against such a horrific act? How did this pass into law and I didn’t realize it? Was I sleeping?

I don’t have the answers. I can only say that I have seen this law in print. You can read it on the Minnesota website, although the words used seem to attempt to hide the reality. 

Folks are trying to get this law written into the constitution of Minnesota. I certainly don't want this in our constitution. That means I have to be aware of what is on the table. I need to be prepared to write to my representatives. I need to do my part.

These babies are completely dependent upon us to fight for them!

God himself will defend the children. It's in His Book. He will answer their cries from this earth. He will bring justice to their sweet souls. 

Lord, please forgive us for our part in abortion. May your church rise up to stand against the murder of babies. Equip us, dear Lord, to stand for truth in this day of trouble. Indeed we are blessed that your mercies are new every morning and your grace extends to us still. Thank you that you defend these little ones! In your name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.

For information on Minnesota state laws, you can go to the following websites:

For information on abortion, you can go to:
Minnesota Right to Life at:
Minnesota Citizens for Life at:

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