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Return to God

Cindy Dullum

As a country, and especially a Minnesotan, can I suggest that we end our devotion to a political party and place it on God, the One who is the hope and light of the world? 

We've seen corruption in both parties. We see Minnesota changing. If ever there was a time to seek God, it is now!

As a Christ follower, we know how the story ends. We win! But that doesn't give us a pass on culpability! It is up to each of us to seek God regarding our part in these historic days, I am certain that if we did, He would give us wisdom to bring this country and state back to God.

The issues are many; voting integrity, what IS the truth about “the vaccine”, what laws have been passed in our great state of Minnesota? Why does it seem that crime is on the rise? What do the cries of 63 million babies sound like to God in heaven?

The Lord reminded me of the Israelites wandering in the wilderness. Their murmuring caused them to stay in that desert for 40 years!

What would have happened if they had continued to celebrate their victories and lived in a place of worship, prayer and trust? God's presence was with them, The Bible tells us God's people were led by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

They had seen many miracles. Their life experiences had certainly showed them that God is faithful. I wonder when they stopped believing in God and took to murmuring.

What if the people had joined together to stop complaining and put their energies into seeking God’s face? According to some commentaries, their trip through the wilderness should have only taken 11 days.

Are we, the Church murmuring or trusting? Do we speak negative words or words that build hope and encourage others? Is your glass half empty or full?

The state we find America in today, didn’t happen when Covid19 hit. We’ve been wandering in our own wilderness for some 50-60-70 years. Certainly since my grandma was writing letters to her representatives in the early 60’s. A memory that is dear to me. She was fighting Madam O’Hares’ push to remove prayer from the schools. My grandma was a fun grandma! But I heard righteous anger in her voice when she was signing her letters. At the time I was too little to understand, but the impression stayed with me. Google tells us that O'Hare accomplished her task and prayer was removed from our schools in 1962-1963. 

This past year, we witnessed what happens when faith communities join hands on a single issue, There were language changes proposed to the Minnesota Human Rights Act that would have threatened our religious freedoms.  Through organizations like Restore Minnesota and Minnesota Family Council, AND Minnesota churches, this bill did NOT pass!


Be aware, the fight over our rights is still under attack. Why? Because satan knows his time is short. 

As a Christian, where do you stand? As the Church, what will we do? Let's resolve to seek God and ask Him. James 1:5 says; "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him".

Lord, we are alive for such a time as this. Speak to our hearts, call us to action. Thank you for your church. May your people unite and walk to the glory of your holy name, Jesus! In that precious name, we ask, amen.

For more information on the Equal Rights Amendment, please see the websites below. This is a short list but as you seek, may God show you more.

MN Government

Restore Minnesota

Minnesota Family Council

Article by Karin Miller

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