For many years, I have enjoyed beautiful sunrises from my 2nd floor office. I love working in the brightness of its rays, and being warmed by this great ball of fire.
Recently, as I watched the sun rising, I realized that my view has changed a bit. A construction project has blocked it. Darn! I thought. I loved those sunrises! But as I waited, I realized that I could still see the beauty that morning. It was then that the Lord revealed 2 things to me. I think they’re worth sharing!
The 1st lesson He taught me is this; that even when we’re under construction and God is working on us; building, changing, tearing down the old and putting on the new, even then His love still shines on. If we look up, we can catch glimpses of it. Even when His fulness seems to be hiding. When our circumstances cloud our view.
The 2nd lesson is this; maybe we need to change our point of perspective. If I move out of my office, and seek a place that is not obstructed by construction, I would see that the sun is still magnificently shining! I just need to make a change, move and follow the sun!
What is blocking you from realizing the Father’s love? Have circumstance changed your view? Are you caught in a cycle of negative thoughts? Is God making changes in your life? Do you face overwhelming decisions and you struggle to hear His voice?
Maybe you just need to believe that God is still with you. He hasn’t left you. Hebrews 13:5. His love is faithful and endures forever! Psalms 136:1. Or maybe you need to make a few changes, move your heart to a new place. God is great at making all things new! Revelation 21:5 Trust Him as He leads you. You won’t be disappointed.
Dear Lord, thank you that your Word is truth. You never leave us nor forsake us. And you do make all things new. Have your way with our hearts, Lord. Draw us closer to you. Change our perspective where it needs to be changed. Grant us faith to realize your forever love. In your precious name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.