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An Encounter with Jesus

Cindy Dullum

Jesus heals. The gospels are filled with His wonder working power! A woman, bleeding for years, touches the hem of his garment-healed instantly. The widow’s son-raised from the dead. The daughter of Jairus, pronounced dead as Jairus awaits a Jesus’ moment. Jesus overhears the conversation and instructs Jairus with these words; “Do not fear, only believe, and she shall be made well.” And so, she was!

Matthew 4:23 tells us that Jesus “healed every disease and every infirmity among the people. “

But I like the story of the blind man in John, chapter 9. It starts with Jesus and his disciples passing by a man who had been born blind. I wonder what Jesus thought as his dear friends questioned him about this blindness. For they were curious as to whose sin caused this man to be blind. Jesus was clear that the blindness that was upon the man, was not caused by sin. But God would use this man’s blindness for His glory!

The blind man was awaiting the manifest day! And today would be the day! Is that why the blind man put himself in the presence of Jesus on that day? Had he heard about Jesus and his healing power? Did he have hope in his heart when he awoke that morning? Was there a flicker of faith as he pondered the works of Jesus?

I wonder what the blind man heard that day, with his super sensitive ears. Did he hear Jesus talking about his blindness? Did he know that Jesus was close enough to touch? Were others whispering about Jesus? “Why is he spitting on that dirt and making clay? Ewe!”

And then Jesus touches the blind man, putting that clay on his eyes.

Why? Jesus could have healed him instantly. He had done that with others. I wonder why he chose to make clay, with his own spit, and place it on the man’s eyes. And if that wasn’t enough, the blind man was instructed by Jesus to go and wash his eyes in the pool of Siloam.

We’re not told. The Bible only tells us that the blind man went. Verse 7 says; “So he went and washed and came back seeing.” The blind man was obedient.

Maybe he put himself in the presence of Jesus that day because he had heard about all the miracles that Jesus was doing. Maybe his heart wondered if Jesus would make him see? Had the blind man known the words in Psalms 37; “take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart?” A desire to see? Was this Jesus the long-awaited Messiah? Surely, if he is the Messiah . . .

Wonder must have filled the blind man that day. He was obedient in his heart to be at the place where the crowds gathered to see Jesus. So, in an act of faith, he would continue his journey. Why not?

Why not go to the pool of Siloam and wash? It may seem unorthodox, but hadn’t he heard of Jesus? His ways were different. He brought about change, new ways of thinking, believing.

The blind man. Born blind to bring the manifest work of God. Now, after an encounter with Jesus, he sees more than the beautiful world around him! He sees Jesus!

His faith became sight.

In verses 35-39 we’re told that Jesus pursued the blind man once again. You see the Pharisees had cast him out from the synagogue. They didn’t want too hear about this Jesus.

Jesus reveals the truth to the blind man. “You have seen him, (the Son of man) and it is he who speaks to you.”

“Lord, I believe,” the blind man exclaimed. Now seeing and believing, he worshipped Jesus!

What are you waiting for? Is the Lord asking you to be obedient in some area, but you can’t make sense of it? Do you have an area of blindness that God wants to heal? Is God pursuing you to bring you to a deeper place? Is he asking you to be obedient in something?

Lord, you are good. We ask your blessing and favor upon those who hear your voice and are at a place where they are seeking your face and will in their situation. Speak to our hearts, show us the next step to take, the next prayer to pray, the next song to sing. Is it rest? Is it worship? Is it a step of obedience? Reveal our part to your plan, to us.

Your Word says in James 4:6, “Draw near to the Lord and He will draw near to you.” And so, we do. Open our eyes to see you in our situation, in our lives. We love you and want to follow after you. Thank you for everything that you have been for us. Thank you for all that you will to do in our lives. Amen.

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