I Choose to be Holy
I Peter 1:15 But as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct, since it is written; “You shall be holy for I am holy.”
I choose to be holy. The definition of holy is “set apart.” We are in this world but not of this world.
Different. Holy. God’s own children.
So today, I choose holiness. Oh-I may fail within 15 minutes, but if this is my goal, my prayer, my sacrifice to the Holy One. I believe the Spirit will help me. Today I will listen for that still small voice.
You may not recognize on the outside, my goal to be holy. It is between me and God. Together we will celebrate the little victories. I’ll hold my tongue when I’m about to lash out in anger. I’ll forgive instead of harboring resentment. I may encourage the young mother who has a tantrum throwing child in the grocery store. I’ll listen to a friend in pain and try NOT to offer advice. I’ll pray instead of throwing my hands up in defeat, or change the channel when language becomes offensive. I’ll pick up my Bible instead of my electronics. I will dwell in the shelter of the Most High and trust in him regardless of the circumstances surrounding me.
Lord, you have called us to be holy. Will you point out where we need your help? Where can we trust in you? Where can we choose holiness today? Help us to live like your children, free from guilt and shame. Choosing holiness. Help us to be like you Jesus. For you are holy, holy, holy. And your love endures forever!